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Email Filters

Utilizing our filter dialog, you can apply filter criteria for extracting the desired emails by constructing your filter expressions.

Building filter expressions

  • Click on the + button available in the dialog
  • Select the field from the dropdown menu to filter the emails.
  • Select the appropriate conditional operator from the dropdown menu.

The list of conditional operators changes dynamically depending on the selected field.

  • Specify the desired value for the filter.

If you require constructing a complicated expression, you can include additional expressions by joining them with suitable conjunctions.

  • Click on the + button
  • Select the conjunction from the dropdown
  • Continue building expressions

Number of Messages

You can set a filter to retrieve a specific number of messages. If no number is specified, return all emails that meet the filter criteria.

Expression Grid

LogicSelect the logical conjunction from the dropdown menu to combine the expressions
Filter FieldApply the filter by selecting an option from the dropdown menu for the chosen field
ConditionSelect the appropriate conditional operator from the dropdown menu to use in the expression.
ValueSpecify the value for the chosen field to use for filtering

Logical Conjunctions

ANDThe selected expressions will undergo a logical AND operation.
ORPerforms logical OR operation between the fixed terms

Email Filter Fields

SenderRetrieves the emails based on the Sender field
ReceiverRetrieves the emails based on the Receiver field
CcRetrieves the emails based on the Cc field
BccRetrieves the emails based on the Bcc field
SubjectRetrieves the Email based on the Subject field. Note: You cannot use the filter with Outlook or Yahoo IMAP. However, you can use it if the server (POP3) includes a BCC header in the Email header. For example, if an email is sent from a Gmail account to another Gmail account with a BCC header included.
Keyword SetRetrieves the emails that contain or do not contain the specified keyword in the keyword set.
Note: You need to enable UTF Accept extension inside IMAP server to apply this filter. By default, this option is disabled for Yahoo and Outlook servers
Start DateRetrieves emails whose sent Date is greater or equal to the specified date
End DateRetrieves emails whose sent Date is lesser or equal to the specified date
Delivered AfterRetrieves emails whose delivered Date is greater than the specified date
Delivered BeforeRetrieves emails whose delivered Date is lesser than the specified date
Saved SinceRetrieves emails whose saved Date is greater or equal to the specified Date.
Note: To use this filter, you must enable the SaveDate extension in your IMAP server. This option is default disabled for Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook IMAP servers.
Saved BeforeRetrieves emails whose saved Date is lesser or equal to the specified Date.
Note: You must activate the SaveDate extension within the IMAP server to use this filter. Please note that Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook IMAP servers do not have this option enabled by default.
AgeRetrieves older or younger emails than the specified number of seconds.
Note: To use this filter, you must activate your IMAP server's Within extension. This option, by default turned off for Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook IMAP servers.
PriorityRetrieves the emails based on Priority, like highest, high, normal, low, or lowest. This field is available in pop3 servers only
OrganizationRetrieves the emails which contain or do not contains specified text in the organization. This field is available in pop3 servers only

Conditional Operators

ContainsChecks whether the specified filter field contains the specified value. Applicable only for the fields of String type.
Not ContainsChecks whether the selected filter field does not contain the specified value. Applicable only for the fields of String type.
Note: This conditional operator does not work as expected in the case of Yahoo servers.
EqualChecks whether the specified filter field equals the specified value. Applicable only for the fields of type Date.
Older ThanChecks whether the age of the Email is older than the specified value. Applicable only for the Age filter.
Younger ThanChecks whether the age of the Email is younger than the specified value. Applicable only for the Age filter.