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IntelliBuddies® Documentation Portal

Automation opportunities are everywhere! Kick start to realize them!

Find answers to all your questions.
Introduction, Software Architecture of IntelliBuddies
Editions, Deployment Architecture, Installation Procedure
Register, Deploy, Manage your IntelliBuddies Subscriptions, and IntelliAppZ Licenses.
The Integration Gateway offers seamless access to third-party services from IntelliBuddies.
Build your process simply by dragging and dropping necessary activities as per the real sequence.
Forms serve as a visual depiction of data and information, offering a means for effective communication within comprehensive process automation.
Construct your process by designing business workflows that incorporate both Human interactions and Buddies.
The building blocks of automation processes, explained in a detailed manner, paired with downloadable examples.
Deploy and configure your Buddy. Manage and audit the process activities.
Assistant Buddy acts as your assistant and can help you perform specific repeated tasks on your day-to-day activities.
Smart Buddy executes end-to-end automation without human assistance.
Train your buddies to understand your documents so that they can process them automatically.
Digitize by building extensive workflows. Use development framework to build simple and complex automation solutions.
Create Buddies and deploy them as stand-alone executables. IntelliAppZ is the Buddies that are designed once and generated into executables.
Learn by practicing. Your one stop place to get started with automation using IntelliBuddies.
Integrate IntelliBuddies with your application and take your automations to next level using our client SDK!
The REST API enables seamless integration with the IntelliBuddies Control Room through straightforward HTTP requests.