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IntelliBuddies Types for Cognitive Activities

This page describes all the Object types defined and used by Cognitive Activities.


It represents a sentence sentiment identified by cognitive services.


SentenceStringText of the entity.
SentimentStringSentiment predicted for this sentence. It can be Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed.
PositiveScoreInt32Score between 0 to 100, representing the confidence that the sentiment is positive.
NegativeScoreInt32Score between 0 to 100 represents the confidence that the sentiment is negative.
NeutralScoreInt32Score between 0 to 100, representing the confidence that the sentiment is neutral.
MixedScoreInt32Score between 0 to 100 represents the confidence that the sentiment is mixed.
LengthInt32Length of the sentence.
OffsetInt32Starting sentence position within the document text.