Rename Directory
This Activity changes the name of a directory at a specific path.
- Path – Specify the path of the Directory to rename.
- Name - Specify the new name for the Directory.
- DisplayName – Add a display name to your Activity.
- Private – Logs the variable and argument values at the Verbose level when unchecked.
- Continue On Error – It Specifies whether the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. If True, the Activity continues without throwing any exceptions. If False, the Activity throws an exception. The default value is False.
It does not catch an error if this Activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.
On Conflict - Specify the conflict resolution option. Conflict will occur whenever the specified named Directory exists in the path. The following conflict resolution options are available.
Option Description Error In the event of a conflict, skip renaming the Directory. This is the default option. Merge In the event of a conflict, merge the contents of the renamed Directory with the existing directory content.
- Directory Path – Returns the rename or merge path of the Directory.
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