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YAML to .NET Object


Converts YAML content to the specified .NET type.



  • YAML Content – YAML content will be converted to the specified .NET type.
  • Naming Convention – The naming convention used in YAML content for naming properties. The following options are available.
Naming ConventionDescription
CamlCaseThe properties inside YAML are named using CamlCase standards. For example: myProperty
PascalCaseThe properties inside YAML are named using PascalCase standards. For example: MyProperties
lowercaseThe properties inside YAML are named using lower case alphabets. For example: myproperty
HyphenatedHyphens are used to separate words within the property names. For example: My-Property
UnderscoredUnderscore are used to separate words within the property names. For example: My_Property


  • Continue On Error – It Specifies whether the automation should continue even if the current activity fails. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False.

If this activity is present inside the Try Catch activity and the value of this property is True, it will ignore errors during the execution of automation.


  • ArgumentType – Specify the datatype of the output variable
  • DisplayName – Add a display name to your activity.
  • Private – By default, activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.


  • Result – Deserialized YAML to the specified .NET type.


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