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IntelliBuddies - Professional Architecture

Component Architecture

IntelliBuddies® Professional edition features following components:

Process Designer

It all starts with our Process Designer. IntelliBuddies® Process Designer is a tool to digitize your existing processes. It is a visual development environment where you can create or define a task for our Buddies. It comes with a rich set of activity libraries to build your workflows. These activities enable you to interact with web browsers, desktop applications, PDFs, images, databases, spreadsheets, emails, web services, and many others. It provides an intuitive drag and drop interface to define the workflow. Anyone with minimal coding understanding can quickly start automating the processes by connecting individual activities to build a sequence.

Note: The Professional Edition Process Designer differs from Enterprise Edition only in the following aspects:

  • Activities - Control Room activity category is not available in Professional
  • Licensing - Professional edition license is locked to a specific node. Hence, needs an approval process inside IntelliBuddies Account Manager to move the license from one node to another.
  • Enterprise Variables - Not supported in Professional edition

Assistant Buddy

IntelliBuddies® Buddy is the basic unit of automation. Buddy executes the processes that were built by our Process Designer the way a human would do. Assistant Buddy could be triggered to execute a process either through certain events such as creating a file/folder or could be activated directly by humans from selecting the process from the list.

Note: The Professional Edition Assistant Buddy differs from Enterprise Edition only in the following aspects:

  • Activities - Control Room activity category is not available in Professional
  • Licensing - Professional edition license is locked to a specific node. Hence, needs an approval process inside IntelliBuddies Account Manager to move the license from one node to another.
  • Processes - In Professional, you need to manually import the processes from the process package. In Enterprise, the processes are directly imported from the connected Control Room.

Application Architecture

The block diagram below depicts IntelliBuddies Professional Edition deployment architecture.

As depicted in the above diagram, all the components of IntelliBuddies will be deployed in your local network or your private cloud. It ensures that all the data lies within your IT control. The only time the components connects to IntelliBuddies Account Manager is to activate the license.

Note: The license activation can also happen in a disconnected mode. You can download the license file by logging into our Account Manager and activate the licenses through your Control Room. It enables you to have the Control Room behind your firewall and with no internet connectivity.