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APIs and Models to create and manage your process instances.


Here is the list of APIs existing under the process instance category.

CreateAsyncCreates a process instance with the specified details inside the connected Control Room.
GetActivityInstanceByIdAsyncGets activity instance of specified activity id inside the connected Control Room.
GetActivityInstanceByInstIdAsyncGets activity instance of specified activity instance id inside the connected Control Room.
GetActivityInstancesAsyncGets activity instances of specified process instance id inside the connected Control Room.
GetAllInstancesAsyncGets all the process instances inside the connected Control Room.
GetInstanceByIdAsyncGets process instance of specified process instance id inside the connected Control Room.
GetInstanceDataAsyncGets process data associated with process instance using the specified process instance id inside the connected Control Room.
GetInstanceLogsAsyncGets logs of specified process instance id inside the connected Control Room.
GetInstanceTasksAsyncGets tasks associated with process instance using the specified process instance ID inside the connected Control Room.
GetModelDataAsyncGets model data of specified process instance inside the connected Control Room.
UpdateModelDataAsyncUpdates model data of specified process instance inside the connected Control Room.


Here is the list of Models used in connections APIs.

ConnectionThe structure represents an instance of the Connection entity.
ConnectionDataThe structure represents an instance of the ConnectionData entity.