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Optimize your DataTable operations using LINQ

· One min read

We all know that Languare INtegrated Query (LINQ) is a technology that integrates query capabilities directly into programming languages. We also know that C# supports LINQ. LINQ enables you to write queries against strongly typed collections of objects by using language keywords and familiar operators.

IntelliBuddies process definition supports C# as part of the Expression dialog and thus enabling the designers to utilize LINQ and solve complex query problems with simple statements.

This blog talks about some of the typical scenarios where LINQ would make your jobs easy and there by making your process simple and easily manageable.

DataTable is one of the mostly utilized Data object when it comes to process flow. Here, you will see how effectively you could solve the most appearing problems on DataTable using LINQ.

Filtering DataTable Rows

Updating a specific row inside a DataTable

Deleting a row from DataTable

This is a post describing how to setup GMail to work with IntelliBuddies Activities.