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Azure Context


This Activity involves establishing a connection to Azure and executing operations within it.

Design Time Configuration

This Activity enables you to configure your design-time connectivity to Azure services. The following properties help you in establishing a connection to your Azure Services.

  • Service Type—From the dropdown, Select the Azure service you want to connect. The following options are currently available.

Service Type

Cognitive ServiceConnect to Azure Cognitive Service end points.
Document AnalysisConnect to Azure Document Analysis service end points.

Enterprise Edition

In the Enterprise edition, you can use the Azure connection from the registered Control Room or provide the credential information directly by choosing the following options in the configuration dialog.

Azure Context

  1. Get Credentials from Control Room Connections - Select this option to obtain the credentials from Control Room connections.
  • Connection – Select the Azure connection from the Control Room connections list.
  1. Provide Credentials—You can provide the credentials directly using Credential Fields or choose Integration Gateway.

Professional and IntelliAppZ Edition

In the Professional and IntelliAppZ Edition, you can input the credentials directly in the configuration dialog.

Azure Context

Integration Gateway

This option is accessible across all editions. No credentials are necessary when utilizing Azure Services via the IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway. Ensure the purchase of IntelliBuddies Azure Text Services or IntelliBuddies Azure Document Analysis Services credits within your subscription to align with your specific requirements.

Credential Fields

When directly inputting credentials, fill out the required credential fields in the configuration dialog.

Service Version

Specify the version of the selected service.

Endpoint URL

Specify the deployed endpoint URL of the selected Azure service.

Service TypeEndpoint URL
Cognitive ServiceRefer: Azure Cognitive Resource. Use this Azure Cognitive Service endpoint URL for Cognitive Service activities
Document AnalysisRefer: Azure Forms Resource. Use this Azure Forms Recognizer endpoint URL for Document Analysis activities

Access Key

Specify the Access Key corresponding to the deployed service. Below are the details of generating an Access Key corresponding to the service type you want to utilize.



  • DisplayName – Add a display name to your Activity.
  • Private – Logs the variable and argument values at the Verbose level when unchecked.


  • Continue On Error – It Specifies whether the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. If True, the Activity continues without throwing any exceptions. If False, the Activity throws an exception. The default value is False.

It does not catch an error if this Activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.


1. Download Enterprise Edition Example

Azure Context

Azure Context

2. Download Professional Edition Example

Azure Context