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Initiate Document Signing


With this activity, you can easily upload your necessary documents to emSigner and begin signing. You can customize the workflow data, including the documents to be uploaded, the reviewer and signatory information, and the signature placeholders within the document.

Design Time Configuration

To get started, set up the workflow details, such as the documents that need to be signed, information about signatories and reviewers, placement of signature placeholders within the documents, and any additional supporting documents that may be required by configuring the workflow data through UI Configuration



  • Reference Number - Specify the reference number for future reference of this workflow instance. It is an optional property.

The reference number specified should be unique across workflow instances.

  • Workflow Type - Specify the workflow type. The following options are available.

    SerialIn case of multiple signatories, the workflow will move to the next signatory only after completing the previous signatories.
    ParallelIn the case of multiple signatories, it initiates the workflow to all the signatories parallelly.


  • DisplayName - Add a display name to your activity.
  • Private - By default, activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.


  • Continue On Error - It Specifies whether the Automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. If True, the activity continues without throwing any exceptions. If False, the activity throws an exception. The default value is False.

    Catches no error if this activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.


  • Workflow Id - The workflow instance Id of the initiated workflow.

If it initiates the workflow without any signatories, the workflow will end up in drafts. The workflow Id will be null in these scenarios.

Configuring Workflow Data through UI

  1. Click on the vertical ellipsis available at the Workflow Data property. A popup with options 'Clear' and 'Configure' will be shown.
  2. Click 'Configure', and the Workflow Data dialog will pop up.

The dialog contains four tabs and provides descriptions below.


You can specify one or more documents to be signed as part of this workflow. For each document, specify the following information.

  • Source File Path - Specify the path of the document.
  • Target File Name - Optionally, specify the display name of this document.


You can configure the participants involved in the workflow. For each participant, specify the following information.

  • Name - The name of the participant.
  • Email - The email id of the participant.
  • Mode Of Signature - The mode of signature the participant has to sign with. It is an optional property.
  • Contact Number - The contact number of the participant. It is an optional property.


You can configure the signature placeholders for each of the documents here. It specifies the placeholders in terms of the coordinates within the document page. For each document, specify the following information.

  • Signer Type - The property to specify whether the participant is a signer or reviewer.

    Only the signer will have a signatory placeholder. Each signer can have any number of signature placeholders per document.

  • Page - The page where you need the signature.

    The value for a page can be an integer surrounded by quotation marks("), or you can select from the dropdown available.

  • Left - The position of the placeholder from the document's left.
  • Top - The position of place holder from the document's bottom.
  • Height - The height of the placeholder. It is an optional property.
  • Width - The width of the placeholder. It is an optional property.


You can specify all other supporting documents that do not need signatures here. For each supporting document, specify the following information.

  • File Path - The file that needs to be uploaded.
  • Description - The description of the attachment.


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Initiate Document Signing