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Llama Context


This Activity establishes a secure connection with Llama services and facilitates various actions such as archiving chat histories and documenting the outcomes and interactions conducted through Llama's platform.

Design Time Configuration

Enterprise Edition

  1. Get Credentials from Control Room Connections - Choose this option to retrieve the Control Room connections object containing the endpoint URL and API key.

    • Connection – Choose the Llama connection from the Control Room Connections menu. This connection encompasses the Llama Endpoint URL and API key necessary for authentication. Access to this option is contingent upon enabling the Get Credentials from the Control Room Connections checkbox.
  2. Provide Credentials - Select this option to provide the Endpoint URL and API key directly or choose Integration Gateway.

Llama Native KeyChoose this option to provide the Endpoint URL and API key directly.
Endpoint URL – Specify the deployed endpoint URL of the chosen Llama service.
 API Key—Specify the API Key associated with the deployed service corresponding to the deployed service. Below are the details for generating an API Key.
- Generating Llama API Key
Integration GatewayChoose this option to utilize Llama Chat Service via the IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway.  
 Llama Model – This option is accessible only when Integration Gateway is selected. It provides a list of all Llama models supported by IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway.

Professional and IntelliAppZ Edition

Llama Native KeyChoose this option to provide the Endpoint URL and API key directly.
Endpoint URL – Specify the deployed endpoint URL of the chosen Llama service.
 API Key—Specify the API Key associated with the deployed service corresponding to the deployed service. Below are the details for generating an API Key.
- Generating Llama API Key
Integration GatewayChoose this option to utilize Llama Chat Service via the IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway.  
 Llama Model – This option is accessible only when Integration Gateway is selected. It provides a list of all Llama models supported by IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway.

Integration Gateway

This option is accessible across all editions. When utilizing Llama Chat Service via the IntelliBuddies Integration Gateway, there's no need to provide an Endpoint URL or API key. To meet your requirements, purchase IntelliBuddies Llama Gen AI Services credits as part of your IntelliBuddies Subscription.



  • Continue On Error – Specifies if the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False.

It does not catch an error if this Activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.


  • DisplayName – Add a display name to your Activity.
  • Private – By default, Activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.


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Llama Context