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Extract Data


Extracts the data from the selected element


This activity requires an active display and an unlocked user session to simulate interactions with UI components successfully. For more detailed information, please refer to the relevant section in the Desktop Automation Notes.



  • Search Parameters – Specify the list of conditions to hold the information of the UI element identified through Element Selector.

  • Window Instance - Specify the window instance identified through Window Selector. You can also type in the window instance for automation.


  • DisplayName – The display name of the Activity.

  • Private – By default, Activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.

  • Result Type – Choose the result type from the dropdown matching the kind of value extracted based on the control type of the selected element. If the control type mismatches the result type, the Activity will throw a type conversion error. Suppose the user selects the control not listed in the following table. In that case, the Activity will return the Name of that element.

Control TypeResult TypeResult
WindowStringTitle of the window
TextStringSelected text
ButtonStringName of the button
Split ButtonStringName of the button
EditStringText of the edit control. E.g., Text of text box
DocumentStringText of the document
HyperlinkStringText of the hyperlink
Menu ItemStringContent of the menu item
Menu BarList<String>Content of the selected menu items in the menu bar
MenuList<String>Content of the selected menu items in the menu
List ItemStringContent of the list item
ListList<String>Content of the selected list items in the list
Tree ItemStringName of the tree item
TreeList<String>Name of the tree items in the tree
Tab ItemStringName of the tab item
TabStringName of the selected tab item in the tab
Header ItemStringName of the header item
HeaderList<String>Name of the header items in the header
Data ItemList<String>Contents of the data item
Combo BoxList<String>Selected items in the combo box. Returns all items if no item is selected.
SliderDoubleValue of the slider
Progress BarDoubleValue of the progress bar
Scroll BarDoubleValue of the scroll bar
SpinnerDoubleValue of the spinner
Radio ButtonBooleanState of the radio button
Check BoxStringState of the check box. True - If the state is checked. False - If the state is unchecked. Indeterminate - If state is indeterminate.
CalendarList<DateTime>Selected dates in the calendar
CustomString or DataTableContents of the custom contol
PaneString or DataTableContents of the pane
App BarString or DataTableContents of the app bar
Title BarString or DataTableContents of the title bar
GroupString or DataTableContents of the group
TableDataTableContents of Table
DatagridDataTableContents of data grid


  • Timeout – Specifies the maximum duration the activity will wait for a response to perform the requested operation. A timeout error occurs if no response is received within the specified time. The default timeout is 30 seconds.
  • Continue On Error – Specifies if the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False.

Catches no error if this Activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.


  • Result - Returns the data extracted from the selected element as specified in Result Type.


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Extract Data