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Using Integer Variables

Integer/Int32 are the variables which take numbers as value. These types of variables are used in the mathematical calculation process.

Variable Pane

Note: User can choose other primitive integer data types by clicking on Browse for Types... Type and select the appropriate data type.

Variable Pane

Let us understand the integer variable with an example process. Here is an example that takes two subjects' scores out of 100 as input from the user and displays the total marks and percentage.

Come, let's create this process in Process Designer:


Launch and create a new process in Process Designer

  • Launch Process Designer from the Windows Start menu located under IntelliBuddies Enterprise


Create New Process

  • Click on New Process and fill in the new process details


  • Add variables to hold the marks, total, and percentage.


In Activity panel search for Input Dialog

  • Drag and drop Input Dialog activity to main panel.
  • Add two Input Dialog
  • Takes the marks as input and sets to int variable.


  • Compute and assign the total and percentage of marks entered.
  • Display the total and percentage of marks entered in output window using Writeline.


Save the process

  • From the Design tab ribbon, click on Save


Run the process

  • From the Design tab ribbon, click on Run


Make sure the process executes and pops up input dialogs. Enter the number and click on Ok. Then in the output window, total marks and percentages are displayed.

Download Example (C#)