OCR Data Types
This page describes all the Object types defined and used by OCR activities.
Property | Type | Description |
X1 | Int32 | Top-Left X-coordinate value |
Y1 | Int32 | Top-Left Y-coordinate value |
X2 | Int32 | Bottom-Right X-coordinate value |
Y2 | Int32 | Bottom-Right Y-coordinate value |
Width | Int32 | Width of the Bounding Box. Either (X2, Y2) or Width and Height are required to define Bounding Box |
Height | Int32 | Height of the Bounding Box. Either (X2, Y2) or Width and Height are required to define Bounding Box |
Property | Type | Description |
Label | String | DisplayName of the region |
Text | String | Data extracted from the input region |
Description | String | Description about the region |
Confidence | Float | A confidence value of extracted data |
Rectangle | BoundingRect | BoundingBox of the region |
DataType | TypeCode | The data type of the data extracted |
Format | String | Using regular expressions to format the data |
OcrParameters | OcrParameters | Specifies the OCR parameter properties with which you can control the extraction capabilities of OCR Engine. |
Property | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the document for which creates the document query |
ImageResizePercentage | Int32 | Specifies the percentage value to rescale an image |
DocumentSelectionParams | String | The keyword to choose the document |
PageQueries | List of PageQueries | List of PageQueries with page number, clip region, etc., information on the extracted data |
Property | Type | Description |
PageNumber | Int32 | Page number to which the extracted data belongs |
TitlePatterns | List of String | List of title patterns in a page |
Tolerance | FuzzyStringComparisionTolerance | Calculates the tolerance using fuzzy logic for matching results of the search string inside the page |
CustomPercentMatch | Double | The matching percentage value |
TitleClippingRegion | BoundingBox | Clipping region of the title |
MatchAllTitlePattern | bool | Its boolean value determines whether it matches all the specified title patterns. |
Property | Type | Description |
ImagePath | String | Specify the path of the Image |
PageNumber | Int32 | Specifies the page number |
Header | String | Header of the page |
FileName | String | FileName of the page |
List of TestResult | String | List of TestResult containing the text with other information about the extracted data on the page |
Description | String | Detail description of the page |
FilePath | String | The file path of the rasterized image |
ImageResizePercentage | Int32 | Specifies the percentage value to rescale an image |
enum TypeCode
Empty = 0,
Object = 1,
DBNull = 2,
Boolean = 3,
Char = 4,
SByte = 5,
Byte = 6,
Int16 = 7,
UInt16 = 8,
Int32 = 9,
UInt32 = 10,
Int64 = 11,
UInt64 = 12,
Single = 13,
Double = 14,
Decimal = 15,
DateTime = 16,
String = 18
enum FuzzyStringComparisionTolerance
Strong = 0,
Normal = 1,
Weak = 2,
Custom = 3