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Read Range


This Activity retrieves information from a designated range of cells and produces a DataTable as output.



  • Include Column Names – By default, the initial row within the designated range will not be recognized as a column name. However, if you set this option to true, it will consider the initial row to be the column name.
  • Preserve Format – If true, preserves the exact format of the cell values
  • Range – Specify the range to read. If the range isn't specified, it reads the whole Spreadsheet.
  • Spreadsheet – Specify the instance of the Excel Workbook.


  • DisplayName – Add a display name to your Activity.
  • Private – By default, Activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.


  • Continue On Error – It Specifies whether the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. If True, the Activity continues without throwing any exceptions. If False, the Activity throws an exception. The default value is False.

    Catches no error if this Activity is present inside the Try-Catch block and the value of this property is True.

  • Exclude Duplicate Columns - This option determines whether the Activity will skip duplicate columns and only keep the first occurrence of each column or include all occurrences by adding the column letter after the second occurrence.

For example: If the provided Excel has two columns with the same header column names in the given range, say 'Description' in column B and column F, then the output DataTable will have one 'Description' and one 'Description_F' column.

  • Sheet Name – Specify the name of the spreadsheet to read data. If not specified, it will read from the currently activeSpreadsheet.


  • Data Table – Returns the data read in a DataTable.


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