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A Form component provides you the ability to collect user data.

Form Components

The UI components are grouped into categories based on their functionality, as follows:

Form Component Settings

When you drag and drop a component or click the Edit icon of a form component, the configuration wizard opens. Depending on the type of form component, certain wizard tabs are available to customize it. All available tabs and general properties in the IntelliBuddies Form Designer are described below.

DisplayThis tab pertains to modifying the front-end UI
DataData settings control how data is interacted with in fields
ValidationThe Validation Tab settings control Front-End and Back-End validations for fields
FieldThe tag element allows for customizing a field without adding inherent functionality.
ConditionalConditions offer form designers greater power and flexibility, resulting in a more personalized and structured experience for end users when filling out forms.
LogicThe Logic feature allows users to implement a rule engine to control and modify field settings, data values, JSON schema, and custom events based on specific conditions.
APIAPI setting is the back-end field with settings like the Property Name and custom properties like HTML and Tags
LayoutUse layout settings to reposition fields by applying HTML attributes/properties.

Specific Settings Tabs for certain Form Components.

Specific form components have designated tabs, such as:

Date / TimeDateChoose the date to set the earliest and latest date options.
TimeSet the incremental step for both hours and minutes.
DayDaySpecify by selecting the day (incrementally or from a drop-down list).
MonthSpecify by selecting the month (incremental or from a drop-down list).
YearSpecify by selecting the year (incremental or from a drop-down list) and the minimum and maximum year available for selection.
Edit GridTemplatesYou can customize the headers and rows of your data in the edit grid.
Data MapLayoutMake slight layout modifications to your data map.