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Execute Action


This Activity allows you to execute the Action on the specified Element on the web page.



  • Element Path – Specify the Element XPath on a webpage. XPath is a language used to locate any element on a webpage. You can specify the XPath of any control present on a web page. Just remember to encode the XPath if it contains special characters. You can find more information on XPath encoding in XPath Encoding.
  • Web Page—This property specifies the webpage object of the currently opened web page. It is crucial to execute actions on the correct web page.


To configure the Action, you must go to the configuration dialog. You can access this dialog by clicking the Configure button in this Activity's user interface. It is where you set up the Action and its Parameters.

Provide Action and Parameters in the configuration window, if any.

Actions and Its Parameters

ActionParametersAction Description
Check VisibilityContent Visibility Auto(Boolean),
Checks whether the element is visible.
Get AttributeAttribute NameReturns the value of a specified attribute on the Element.
Get Attribute Name The name of the attribute whose value you want to get.
Get Bounding Client Rect Returns an object providing information about the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.
Get Client Rects Returns a collection of objects that indicate the bounding rectangles for each CSS border box in a client.
Has Attribute Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified Element has the specified attribute.
Has Attributes Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current Element has any attributes.
MatchesAttribute NameChecks whether the specified CSS selector would select the Element.
Scroll ToLeft,
Checks whether the specified CSS selector would select the Element.
Scroll ByLeft,
Checks whether the specified CSS selector would select the Element.
Scroll Into ViewBehaviour,
Vertical Alignment,
Horizontal Alignment
Scrolls the Element's ancestor containers such that the Element on which Scroll Into View executes is visible to the user.
Set AttributeName,
Sets the value of an attribute on the specified Element.
BlurRemoves keyboard focus from the current Element.
Click Simulates a mouse click on an element.
Focus Sets focus on the specified Element.

Action Parameter Details

Check VisibilityContent Visibility AutoTrue to check if the element content-visibility property has (or inherits) the value auto and is currently skipping its rendering.
Check VisibilityOpacityTrue to check if the element opacity property has (or inherits) a value of 0.
Check VisibilityVisibilityTrue to check if the Element is invisible due to the value of its visibility property.
Get AttributeAttribute NameThe name of the attribute whose value you want to get.
Has Attribute A string representing the name of the attribute.
MatchesSelectorA string containing valid CSS selectors against which to test the Element.
Scroll To/Scroll ByLeftThe horizontal pixel value you want to scroll.
Scroll To/Scroll ByTopThe vertical pixel value you want to scroll.
Scroll By/Scroll Into ViewBehaviourSpecifies whether the scrolling should animate smoothly (smooth), happen instantly in a single jump (instant), or let the browser choose (auto).
Scroll Into ViewVertical AlignmentDefines vertical alignment.
Scroll Into ViewHorizontal AlignmentDefines horizontal alignment.
Set AttributeNameA string specifying the attribute's name to set the value.
Set AttributeValueA string containing the value to assign to the attribute.

Configure custom action

To configure a custom action, select Custom in the Action dropdown and provide Action Name and Parameters, if any. This feature empowers you to create and execute actions tailored to your needs.

The below gif shows how to scroll an element into a top-left corner using Custom Action.


  • DisplayName – Add a display name to your Activity.
  • Private – By default, Activity will log the values of your properties inside your workflow. If private is selected, then it stops logging.


  • Continue On Error – It Specifies whether the automation should continue even when the Activity throws an error. If True, the Activity continues without throwing any exceptions. If False, the Activity throws an exception. The default value is False.

Suppose this Activity is inside the Try-Catch block and the Continue On Error value is True. In that case, it catches no error, providing a secure and reliable automation process.

  • Timeout—An argument of type Timespan specifies the duration the Activity will wait before an error occurs and aborts the workflow. By default, set the timeout value to 10 minutes.


  • Result - The value returned by the Action.


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