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The structure represents an instance of the File System Trigger entity.


FileSystemTriggerInitializes a new instance of the FileSystemTrigger object model.


IdGets the Id of the FileSystemTrigger.
NameGets or sets the name of the FileSystemTrigger.
DescriptionGets or sets the description of the Enterprise Variable.
ProcessIdGets the assigned ProcessId during FileSystemTrigger creation.
BotIdGets the assigned BotId during FileSystemTrigger creation.
PathToMonitorGets the File path assigned during the FileSystemTrigger creation.
IncludeSubfolderGets or sets the value that indicates whether to monitor the subfolder.
FilterGets or Sets filter in the FileSystemTrigger.
FileCreatedGets or sets the value that indicates whether to monitor file created event.
FileModifiedGets or sets the value that indicates whether to monitor file modified event.
FileDeletedGets or sets the value that indicates whether to monitor the file deleted event.
FileRenamedGets or sets the value that indicates whether to monitor file renamed event.
ArgumentsGets or sets the Inputs and Outputs of the FileSystemTrigger.
LogLevelGets or sets the log level of the FileSystemTrigger.
IsDisabledGets or sets the value that indicates whether the FileSystemTrigger is enabled.
LastAccessedOnGets the Date&Time that indicates when the FileSystemTrigger was last accessed.
StartDateGets or Sets the StartDate of the FileSystemTrigger.
ExpiresOnGets or Sets the Expiration Date&Time of FileSystemTrigger.
ModifiedByGets the username by whom the FileSystemTrigger got modified.
CreatedByGets the username of the FileSystemTrigger creator.
ModifiedGets the Date&Time of the FileSystemTrigger is modified.
CreatedGets the creation Date&Time of the FileSystemTrigger.


Use the FileSystemTrigger object model to get or update information about the FileSystemTrigger.