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Process Information


The structure represents an instance of the Process entity.


ProcessInfoInitializes a new instance of the ProcessInfo object model.


LogLevelGets the log level of a process.
TriggersCountGets the triggers to count associated with the process.
ArgumentsGets the Inputs and Outputs of a process.
ModifiedByGets the username by whom the process got modified.
CreatedByGets the username by whom the process got uploaded to ControlRoom.
ModifiedGets the modified timestamp of the process.
LocationGets the location of the process.
CreatedGets the created timestamp of the process.
VersionGets the current version of the process.
PublishedDateGets the published timestamp of the process.
NameGets the name of the process.
ProcessGuidGets the GUID value assigned to the process.
DocumentIdGets the Document ID of the process.
ProcessIdGets the ID of the process.
DescriptionGets the Description of the process.
ProcessTypeGets the type of the process.
IsCheckedOutGets the checkout status of the process.
CheckedOutByGets the username of the user who checked out the process.
IsDraftGets whether the process is a draft.


Use the ProcessInfo object model to get information about the process.