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The structure represents an instance of the New Job entity.


NewJobInfoInitializes a new instance of the NewJobInfo object model.


JobGuidGets the GUID value assigned to the job.
JobIdGets the Id of the job.
ProcessIdGets the assigned ProcessId during the job creation.
BotIdGets the assigned BotId during the job creation.
WorkflowInstanceIdGets the WorkflowInstanceId of the job.
WorkflowDocIdGets the WorkflowDocId of the job.
StartedAtGets the Date&Time that indicates when the job execution started.
EndedOnGets the Date&Time that indicates when the job execution ended.
ExecStatusGets the execution status of the job.
InputGets the Input of the job.
OutputGets the Output of the job.
LogLevelGets the log level of the job.
BotNameGets the bot name.
ProcessNameGets the process name assigned during the job creation.
InitiatorNameGets the job initiator's name.
InitiatorTypeGets the job initiator's type.
ModifiedByGets the username by whom the job got modified.
CreatedByGets the username of the job creator.
ModifiedGets the Date&Time of the job is modified.
CreatedGets the creation Date&Time of the job.


Use the JobInfo object model to get information about the job.