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The structure represents an instance of the New EmailTrigger entity.


NewEmailTriggerInitializes a new instance of the NewEmailTrigger object model.


NameSets the EmailTrigger name.
DescriptionSets the description of the EmailTrigger.
ProcessIdSets the assigned ProcessId during EmailTrigger creation.
ConnectionIdSets the assigned ConnectionId during EmailTrigger creation.
BotIdSets the assigned BotId during EmailTrigger creation.
FilterEnabledSets the value that indicates whether the filter is enabled.
ArgumentsSets the Inputs and Outputs of the EmailTrigegr.
LogLevelSets the loglevel for the EmailTrigegr.
IsDisabledSets the value that indicates whether the EmailTrigger is enabled.
IsFrequencyEnabledSets the value that indicates whether the frequency is enabled.
FrequencyMinsSets the frequency value in minutes.
FilterSets filter in the EmailTrigger.
StartDateSets the StartDate of the EmailTrigger.
ExpiresOnSets the Expiration Date&Time of EmailTrigger.
NoOfMessagesSets the number of messages to read at once. Reads all the messages if not specified.
SearchQueriesSets message filter for the EmailTrigger.


Use the NewEmailTrigger object model to create a new EmailTrigger.