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The structure represents an instance of the User entity.


UserInfoInitializes a new instance of the UserInfo object model.


UserIdGets the Id of the User.
PwdGets the password of the User.
UserRolesGets the Role details of a user from the list of roles.
FirstNameGets or sets the first name of a user.
LastNameGets or sets the last name of a user.
EmailAddressGets or sets the email address of a user.
UserNameGets or sets username.
FullNameGets or sets the full name of a user.
TenantIdGets or sets the tenant ID of a user.
ManagerIdSpecify the User ID of the individual who should serve as the manager.
DepartmentSpecify the department.
IsEnabledSpecify the value that indicates whether the User is enabled.


Use the UserInfo object model to get or update the User's information.