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The structure represents an instance of the Log Data entity.


LogDataInitializes a new instance of the LogData object model.


IdGets or sets Id of the log.
MessageGets the message of the log.
LevelGets the log level of the job.
UserNameGets the username of the job got created.
MachineNameGets the job executed machine name.
ProcessNameGets the process name for which the job got created.
ProcessVersionGets the current version of the job process created.
ProcessIdGets the process Id for which the job got created.
JobGuidGets the GUID value assigned to the job.
JobIdGets the Id of the job.
BotIdGets the Id of the bot.
TotalExecutionTimeGets the total execution time of the job.
ActivityInfoGets the activity info of the job.
IsAssistantBuddyLogGets the value that indicates whether to get the AssistantBuddy log.
RawMessageGets the raw message of the job.


Use the LogData object model to get information about the log after the job execution.