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The structure represents an instance of the Log Data entity.


LogDataInitializes a new instance of the LogData object model.


IdGets the id of the log data.
MessageGets the message of the log data.
LevelGets the log level of the log data.
TimeStampGets the timestamp of the log data.
UserNameGets the username of the process instance creator.
ProcessNameGets the process name associated with the process instance.
ProcessVersionGets the version of the process associated with the process instance.
ProcessIdGets the ID of the process associated with the process instance.
JobGuidGets the Job ID associated with the log.
TotalExecutionTimeGets the total execution time of the process instance.
ActivityInfoGets all the activities and the corresponding information associated with the process instance.
IsAssistantBuddyLogA boolean flag indicating whether the log is associated with Assistant Buddy.
RawMessageGets raw message of the log.


Use the LogData object model to get the log of a process instance.