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The structure represents an instance of the Schedule entity.


ScheduleInfoInitializes a new instance of the ScheduleInfo object model.
ScheduleInfo(string name, int processId)Initializes a new instance of the ScheduleInfo with name & processId parameter.


ScheduleIdGets the Schedule Id.
ProcessIdGets the assigned process Id during the Schedule creation.
BotIdGets the assigned bot Id during the Schedule creation.
ProcessNameGets the assigned process name during the Schedule creation.
BotNameGets the assigned bot name during the Schedule creation.
NameGets the schedule name.
ScheduleTypeGets the type of schedule.
FrequencyGets the the value that indicates the execution time info of the schedule.
CanExpireGets the value that indicates whether the Schedule can expire.
ExpiredGets the value that indicates whether the Schedule is expired.
DisabledGets the value that indicates whether the Schedule is disabled.
ExpiresOnGets the Expiration Date&Time of the Schedule.
LastExecutionTimeGets the last executed Date&Time of the Schedule.
ItemInfoGets the details of the schedule.


Use the ScheduleInfo object model to get or update information about the Schedule.