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BPA Processes

The BPA Processes page lists all the BPA Processes owned or shared with the current user.

You can design the BPA Process using BPA Designer and execute it using your Control Room workflow engine.

A BPA Process can be published directly into the Control Room from the BPA Designer or imported into the Control Room. A Process package is version-controlled. Each time you publish the Process to Control Room, a new version of the Process package is created. The Process published will be available to all users with access to that process package.

Process Package

A process package (.nupkg) is a compressed package file containing all the contents of the process folder.

BPA Process Package

The RPA process package includes the following files.

  • workflow files (.json)
  • project file (project.json)
  • form schema (*.iform)

BPA Process Views

In the BPA Processes page in the Control Room, you can select different views by choosing View from the Context Menu. You have the following viewing options.

All ProcessesShows a list of all the published Processes owned or shared with the current user. This is the default view.
My ProcessesShows all the published Processes owned by the current user.
My DraftsShows a list of all the Processes the current user is drafting.
Shared With MeShows a list of all the Processes shared with the current user.

Uploading Process

You can upload a new process into the Control Room from the Processes page by following the steps provided below:

  • Click on Toolbar-Menu > Upload Process button
  • Select the process package(.nupkg) file to be uploaded
  • Click on Upload

You can view the uploaded Process in the grid on the Processes page.


If you try to upload/publish a new process when you have already exceeded the process license count, you will encounter an error message: ***Process count exceeds the licensed count. Please top up your license and try again.

In this case, you either need to top-up your Subscription with extra process licenses or delete some of the published processes from the Control Room to make license space for the new Process.

Version Management

A new version is created inside the Control Room whenever the user publishes a Process. You can view the Process's version history by right-clicking the Context-Menu > View Metadata option.

By default, the current version of the Process will be the Active version. You can edit the Active Process version from the Context-Menu > ** Edit option. Control Room feeds the Active version of the Process to Buddies for execution.

Context Menu

The Processes page supports the following functionality through context menu options.

IconContext Menu OptionDescription
ShareManage your process permissions with other users
DeleteDelete this process. This functionality will be available only if you have Delete permission to process the entity.
Edit MetadataEdit your process metadata and configuration
Edit ProcessChecks-out the process and opens it inside BPA Designer for editing.
EmbedCreates a URL for the Process monitor instance and the access token. You can use this URL to embed as part of an external application.
CloneClone this Process to a new process.
ViewView your process in read-only mode.
View MetadataView your process metadata, configuration, and version information in read-only mode
Create a requestCreates an instance of this process.
DownloadDownloads this Process as a package file into your file system
Shared WithThis option lists all users accessing this Process.
AuditYou can audit the operations on Process

Sharing Process

The Owner can share a published or uploaded process with other users in the Control Room. You can share a Process with the following permission types.

Permission TypeDescription
ViewerUser with this permission type can view and execute the process
EditorUsers with this permission type can view, re-publish, and run the process
OwnerUser with this permission type can view, re-publish, execute, delete, and share the Process with other users. By default, the User who published the Process for the first time into Control Room would be the Owner of the process

You must be the Process Owner to share a process with other users. You can share the Process by performing the following actions:

  • Go to Processes > BPA page
  • Select the Process to share inside the grid
  • Select Context-Menu > Share option
  • Select the User to whom you want to share this Process
  • Change the permission type based on your needs. By default, a user gets Viewer permission.
  • Click on Share

View the Sharing Information

You can view the sharing information by selecting the Context-Menu > Shared With option. It will display a list of Process users along with their Permissions.

Downloading Process

You can download a process package(.nupkg) from the Control Room to your local file system by selecting Context-Menu > Download option.

Deleting Process

You can delete a process package(.nupkg) from the Control Room by selecting Context-Menu > Delete option.

Cloning a BPA Process

You can clone a process to a new one by following the steps below.

  • Login to Control Room
  • Go to Automation > Processes > BPA processes page
  • Select the Process to clone
  • Right-click and click on Clone
  • Specify a Name to the new process
  • Optionally, change the Category and Description
  • Click on Clone
  • The current active version of the Process will be cloned as a new process.

To clone, you must be a Owner or an Editor of the Process.

Edit Metadata of Process

To edit the metadata of a process, including changing the Log Level, activating different versions, and deleting a version, you must be the Process Owner or have edit permissions. Follow these steps to edit the metadata:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process you wish to edit from the grid.
  • Open the Context Menu and choose the Edit Metadata option.
  • You can perform the following actions:
  • Activate a different version by selecting the appropriate version.
  • Delete a version if it is no longer needed.
  • Change the log level by selecting the appropriate version.
  • Click Update to save your changes.

View Metadata of the Process

To view the metadata of a process, please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process you wish to view from the grid.
  • Open the Context Menu and choose the View Metadata option.
  • You will be able to see the active version and log level.

Edit Process

You must be the Process Owner or have edit permissions to edit a process. Follow these steps to edit the Process:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process you wish to edit from the grid.
  • Open the Context Menu and choose the Edit Process option, or double-click on the process.
  • The Process will open in the designer.
  • Modify the Process as needed, then save and publish your changes.

View Process

Follow these steps to view the Process:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the desired Process from the grid to view.
  • Open the Context Menu and choose the View option.
  • The Process will open in the designer in Read-Only mode.
  • In this mode, you can view the Process, export it as an image, and expand or collapse activities within the design pane.

Execute the Process

You can execute the Process if you have Initiate a Process Instance permission set and have view permission to the Process. You can execute the Process by performing the following actions:

  • Go to Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process to execute inside the grid.
  • Select Context-Menu > Create a request option.
  • Creates an instance you can view on the Process Monitor page.

Auditing BPA Process

To access detailed information on operations performed on a process, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process you wish to audit.
  • Right-click and choose Audit from the context menu to view all operations performed on the Process.

Embed Process Monitor

Using the Embed option, you can monitor process instance execution in an external application or browser. It provides a URL where you append the Process ID to open the Process Monitor. Follow these steps to obtain the Embed URL:

  • Navigate to the Processes > BPA page.
  • Select the Process you wish to monitor in your application.
  • Select Context-Menu > Embed option.
  • In the Embed Process Monitor dialog:
  • Turn on or off the ENABLE EMBEDDING PROCESS MONITOR IN OTHER MONITOR option as needed.
  • Use the EMBEDDING SECRET KEY, field to regenerate the key by clicking Regenaate Key button.
  • Click the Copy button to copy the Embed URL.
  • Set the link expiry time in the Link Expires In text box, choosing the appropriate unit (Minute, Hour, or Day).
  • Click on OK button.
  • To create the Embed URL for use in your application:
  • Paste the copied Embed URL into a text editor.
  • Copy the Process Instance Id of the Process you want to monitor.

  • Append the copied Process Instance ID to the Embed URL in the text editor.

  • View the process monitor by copying and opening the completed URL in your browser.