Introducing new activity Find First Empty Cell under Google Sheets category. You can use this activity to find the first empty cell in a row or column inside the specific GSheet.
Enhanced Extract Data activity under Desktop Automation category to support most of the elements and also extract the more relevant data from the selected element.
A process involving Populate Text Field activity always requests to save the process even though there were no changes made to the process.
A process designer enters an unresponsive state when pressing the F2 key after selecting and capturing the UI element for the Type Into activity under Desktop Automation category.
Even if the first execution is still underway, Lock activity permits the second process to run.
Not able to configure the Send SMTP Mail activity as it throws exception on click of Configure button.
The Salesforce - Get Records activity exceptions out when no matching records are found for the specified filter criteria.
The Enterprise edition Assistant Buddy pops up Something went wrong error message when kept idle for long time.
The fresh installation of Professional edition Assistant Buddy on a new system pops up Could not find part of the path 'C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\IntelliBuddies\Data\Professional\AssistantBuddy\Triggers.json' error message on invoking.
Assistant Buddy goes into an infinite loop loading the data when we delete the folder associated with the configured File System Trigger.