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The Settings page lets you view and edit Control Room configurations such as regional, alerts, email, and domain settings.


The tab displays a check mark for successful configuration and an exclamation mark for incomplete configuration, which leads to feature failure.


Under this tab, you can find the below details:

Control Room Details


All the details displayed under this tab are read-only.

VersionDisplays the version information of the deployed Control Room.
Last UpdatedDisplays the timestamp when the Control Room was installed or upgraded.
Tenant NameDisplays the current tenant name.

System Details

Operating SystemThe name and version of the operating system on the machine where the Control Room is deployed.
Framework VersionThe name and version of the framework on the machine where the Control Room is deployed.

Database Details

Server TypeDisplays the database server type. It can be PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server.
Server NameDisplays the database server name.
Port NameDisplays the port number on which the database server runs. Available only in the case of PostgreSQL.
Database NameDisplays the database name configured for this Control Room.
Authentication TypeDisplays the authentication type used to connect to the database server.
User NameDisplays the username used to connect to the configured database server.

SMTP Settings

You can view and configure SMTP-based email server settings on this tab. Control Room uses these configured settings to send alerts and notifications to users.

ServerSpecify the SMTP email server name
Email AddressSpecify the email account required to log into email server
PasswordSpecify the necessary password to login into email server
PortSpecify the email server listening port
Maximum Retry Count on FailureSpecify the number of times to retry in case of failures. The default retry count on failure is 30 minutes.
Display NameSpecify the display name to be used inside the From field while sending email
Use SSLCheck this option to send an email over Secured Socket Layer (SSL)
Allow Untrusted CertificateCheck this option to send an email over Untrusted certificates for outgoing mail servers

You can test your SMTP configuration by clicking the Test Mail button. It will send a test email to your email account from the account configured under this tab.

You need to save the configuration by clicking on the Save button for the settings to take effect.

Regional Settings

Under this tab, you can view and configure the regional settings. These are global settings applied to all automation users.

Date FormatThe display format for date values. Default format: DD/MM/YYYY
Time ZoneThe time zone of the Control Room. Default time zone: UTC
LocaleThe language of the Control Room user interface. Default language: English
Time FormatThe display format for Time values. The available options are either 24-hour or 12-hour representation. Default format: 12-hour

You need to save the configuration by clicking on the Save button for the settings to take effect.


Under this tab, you can find and adjust the settings listed below.:

Domain NameThe Active Directory domain name to pull users into the Control Room. It applies only to Windows Authentication.
Authentication TokenSpecify the time for the authentication token to expire in minutes. The default expiration time for the authentication token is 30 minutes.
Activation LinkSpecify the hours for the activation link to expire. The default time for Basic Authentication is 48 hours. This time limit only applies to Basic Authentication and not other authentication methods.
Reset Password LinkSpecify the hours for the reset password link to expire. The default time for Basic Authentication is 48 hours. It applies exclusively to Basic authentication.
Delete Items in Recycle Bin AfterSpecify the time in days to wait for deletion of items from Recycle Bin. It deletes the items in the Recycle Bin after 30 days by default.

You need to save the configuration by clicking on the Save button for the settings to take effect.