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Example - QuickBooks Online Automation

In this example, we will create automation to perform the following actions:

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Create the Customer if the Customer doesn't exist.
  3. Create the necessary line items for the invoice.
  4. Create an Invoice.


  • A QuickBooks Online account.
  • Products listed in the invoice prepopulated in your QuickBooks Online account.
  • Open Process Designer and create a blank process. Give a name to that process.

Process Designing

  1. Drag and drop QuickBooks Online Context Activity. Configure the following properties:
    • Credential File Path: Assign the path where your credential file exists
  2. Drag and drop Get Entities Activity and do a check for the required Customer.
  3. Drag and drop the Create Entity Activity to create the Customer if the Customer doesn't exist. Configure the required properties for the Customer.
  4. Drag and drop Create Line Item Activity. Configure the following properties:
    • Entity Type: Select Invoice.
    • Product: Assign the product name.
    • Amount: Assign the total price of the product.
    • Description: Assign the description of the product.
    • Quantity: Assign the quantity of the product sold.
  5. Drag and drop Create Entity activity. Configure the following properties:
    • Entity Type: Select Invoice
    • Customer Id: Assign the Customer's id retrieved or created.
    • Item Details: Assign the line items created.
    • Due Date: Assign the due date for the invoice.
    • Invoice Date: Assign the invoice created date.
    • Doc Number: Assign the invoice number.
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Create Invoice