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IntelliBuddies is a full-stack RPA platform. On top of activities provided to automate repeated rule-based tasks, IntelliBuddies also provides AI/ML Activities so that you can infuse AI into your automation, thus enabling your buddies to think, decide, and learn like humans. It includes many activities under the Machine Learning category, as listed below.

Classification Model GeneratorGenerates a Classification Model with the specified name using the specified dataset and algorithm.
Classification Model PredictorInvokes the specified Classification Model on the input data and returns the response from the model.
Clustering Model GeneratorGenerates a Clustering Model with the specified name using the specified dataset and the specified algorithm.
Clustering Model PredictorInvokes the specified Clustering Model on the input data and returns back the response from the model.
Extract Meta DataExtracts the metadata from the content provided based on the specified Content Type.
Match Mail TypeMatches the email type with the specified type based on the email content provided. It returns true or false based on the match result.
Number ParserParses the string expected to hold the Numeric value and give you back the good Numeric value if there are any parse errors.
Regression Model GeneratorGenerates a Regression Model with the specified name using the specified dataset and algorithm.
Regression Model PredictorInvokes the specified Regression Model on the input data and returns the response from the model.
Date ParserParses the string expected to hold the Date value and give you back the proper Date value if there were any parse errors.
Detect LanguageDetects the Language of the provided text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Detect ObjectsDetects the objects inside the given image using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Document ClassifierPredicts the type of document based on its content.
Get Key PhrasesExtracts the key phrases of the provided text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Get Named EntitiesDetects named entities of the provided text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Get PII EntitiesDetects the provided text's Personally Identifiable Information(PII) entities using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Get Text SummaryGenerates the summary of the provided text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Invoice AnalyzerAnalyzes and extracts all the metadata from the specified Invoice.
Number ParserParses the string expected to hold the Numeric value and give you back the good Numeric value if there are any parse errors.
Sentiment ClassifierDetects the specified text's sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral.
Speech To TextIt transcribes the provided audio into text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Text To SpeechIt converts text to audio and saves it to a specified file using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.
Translate LanguageTranslates the Language of the provided text using IntelliBuddies AI Cognitive Services.

Python Context

Our Machine Learning Activities need a Python environment to execute. Hence, it is mandatory to have all our Machine Learning Activities to be embedded inside Python Context activity. The Python Context container activity connects to the Python environment installed on the execution system. It enables the execution of the activities within this container using the Python environment.


For automation to pass and retrieve data to and from Python Context, IntelliBuddies has introduced the PythonObject data type. You can use PythonObject to handle and manipulate Python data. You can convert PythonObject into its corresponding .Net data type using ConvertPythonObject activity.


To understand AI Infused Automation using IntelliBuddies, we have created this example to understand better our Machine Learning Activities.

Download Example

The example has two processes.


This process will generate a Regression Model using the Random Forest ML algorithm. Generates the model based on the insurance dataset "insurance.csv." Refer: insurance-data


This process tests the model generated by the previous step. This process accepts input data from the user for all the required columns. It then invokes the generated model, passing the input data received. It shows the predicted premium by the model in MessageBox.