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UI Panels

Designer Panel

You can view your process or workflow from the Designer panel. It enables you to modify the workflow and also allows you to work with the variables, arguments, and imports required and created for the current Project.

You can navigate within the process diagram inside this panel by double-clicking the activity you want to view. It displays the path as breadcrumbs in the header of the Designer panel.

You can copy activity from here using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C or from the context menu and paste them again into the Designer panel.

Pan & Zoom

You can activate Pan mode by clicking icon. You can use the zoom drop-down to change the zoom level.

You can use fit-to-screen fit-to-screen to fit the entire workflow within the Designer panel.

You can click on it overview to get an overview of the Project by navigating the section and adjusting the focus.

Context Menu

The context menu enables you to perform several operations on your process or workflow. You can bring up the context menu by right-clicking any activity in your process or workflow.


OpenOpens the selected activity in the Designer panel. It has the same result as double-click
CollapseThis collapses the content of the selected activity and allows it to display only minimal content. You can also achieve the same functionality by clicking on itCollapse button
NOTE: This is available only for Sequence activity
Expand in PlaceThis expands the content of the selected activity and allows it to display more detailed content. You can also achieve the same functionality by clicking on it Expand button
NOTE: This is available only for Sequence activity
CutRemoves the selected activity and places it onto the Clipboard
CopyCopies the selected activity into Clipboard
PastePastes or Inserts the content from the Clipboard to the current location
DeleteDeletes the selected activity
Add AnnotationInsert an annotation node to the current activity to provide your notes or comments. You can dock or undock the annotation block after adding
Edit AnnotationEdit the annotation notes attached to the selected activity
Delete AnnotationDelete the annotation attached to the selected activity
Show All AnnotationsShows all the annotations added to the activities under the current process or workflow
Hide All AnnotationsHides all the annotations added to the activities under the current process or workflow
Delete All AnnotationsDeletes all the annotations under current process or workflow
Copy as ImageCopies the screenshot of the content displayed as part of Designer panel onto Clipboard
Save as ImageCopies the screenshot of the content displayed as part of the Designer panel and prompts the dialog for the user to set the details for saving it
Create VariableCreates a variable in Variable panel
Export as SnippetCreates a new snippet containing the selected activity. The arguments to this new snippet are created automatically based on the variables used in the selected activity. The new snippet created will be visible in the Snippets panel. This functionality enables the reuse concept.
Extract as WorkflowCreates a new workflow containing the selected activity. It enables breaking down large processes or workflows into smaller ones. The arguments for this new workflow are created automatically based on the variables used in the selected activity. You can replace the selected activity with the Invoke Workflow activity, enabling you to edit and import arguments from the newly created workflow.
Surround with Try CatchEmbeds the selected activity inside a Try-Catch block
Disable ActivityDisables the selected activity by placing it inside a CommentOut activity
Enable ActivityEnables the previously disabled activity

Activities Panel

Activities Panel

The Activities panel shows all the activities you can use to build your process or workflow. You can search for the needed activity by its name using the search box provided at the top of the panel.

Activities are classified or grouped based on their functionality. You can navigate them using navigation keys, select an activity, and drag and drop them into the Designer panel to build your workflow.

Snippets Panel

Snippets Panel

The Snippets panel displays all the snippets you created. The purpose of snippets is to enable users to reuse automation easily.

Properties Panel

Properties Panel

The Properties panel lets you view and modify a selected activity's properties. It provides a mechanism to configure the activity by setting the appropriate properties of that activity based on the context of your process or workflow.

Expression Editor

The Expression Editor is available from the Properties panel, and you can find it as part of the fields or properties that require inputting text or from the body of the activity. You can pop it up by clicking the [...] button at the end of the field or property. Expression Editor

Expression Editor allows you to write expressions in multiple lines. Expression Editor supports C# and VB language expressions. You can choose the language during the project creation.

You can utilize Keyboard Shortcuts to create variables from Expression Editor.

Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + KCreates a variable of the input field type as the activity requires. If an expression already exists in the field, you can select the existing expression or text and then hit Ctrl + K to create a variable with the selected expression as name

Outline Panel

Outline Panel

The Outline panel displays the process or workflow hierarchy with all available activity nodes. It also highlights the activities in this panel based on the selection done in the Designer panel. You can also go to a specific activity in the Designer panel by selecting it in the Outline panel.

Output Panel

Output Panel

The Output panel displays the process output from either WriteLog or WriteLine activities. You can use this panel to troubleshoot the process before it is published to Control Room and executed by Buddies.

Error List Panel

Error List Panel

The Error List panel displays errors found in the process or workflow during the validation process. Double-clicking on the error will enable the Designer panel to show the corresponding activity for quicker resolution.

Variables Panel

The Variables panel enables you to create variables and change them.

Variables Panel

NameThe name of your variable. A name will be generated automatically by default, but you can override it by editing the autogenerated name.
Variable typeEnables you to choose the type of your variable. The drop-down has the following options:
  • Boolean
  • Int32
  • String
  • Object
  • Array of [T]
  • Browse for Types
You can select a .Net type from the Browse dialog, it is added to Variable Type drop-down list.
This is a mandatory field.
ScopeThe scope of this variable. By default, they are available for the entire Project.
This is a mandatory field
DefaultThis is an optional field. You can specify a default value for this variable.

Context Menu

Variable Context Menu

DeleteDelete this variable
Add AnnotationAdd an annotation to the selected variable
Edit AnnotationEdit the annotation added to the selected variable
Delete AnnotationDelete an existing annotation to the selected variable

Arguments Panel

The Arguments panel enables you to create arguments and change them.

Arguments Panel

The following table describes the properties available for arguments.

NameThe name of your argument. A name will be generated automatically by default, but you can override it by editing the autogenerated name.
DirectionSelect the direction of your argument. You can select from the following options:
  • In: argument to pass input to process
  • Out: argument to pass output from process
  • In/Out: argument to pass input to and receive output from process
  • Property: not used
    This is a mandatory field
Argument typeEnables you to choose the type of your argument. The drop-down has the following options:
  • Boolean
  • Int32
  • String
  • Object
  • Array of [T]
  • Browse for Types
You can select a .Net type from the Browse dialog, it adds to Argument type drop-down list.
This is a mandatory field.
DefaultThis is an optional field. You can specify a default value for this argument.

Context Menu

Argument Context Menu

DeleteDelete this argument
Add AnnotationAdd an annotation to the selected argument
Edit AnnotationEdit the annotation added to the selected argument
Delete AnnotationDelete an existing annotation to the selected argument

Imports Panel

Imports Panel

You can view all the namespaces available as part of this Project and add a new Namespace to the list from the Imports panel.

To add a new namespace, you can type in the namespace in the Enter or Select namespace text box at the top of this panel. It will bring in the namespaces when you type in this text box. You can select the required namespace and press the Enter key to import that namespace to your Project.

Project Explorer Panel

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer panel lists all the workflow XAML files used as part of this Project. It will also list all the related resource files used in this Project.

Contents of Project Explorer

The table below describes the contents of the Project Explorer panel and its associated functions.

PropertiesYou can modify project properties by double-clicking on this content type
ReferencesYou can add new assembly references to use as part of this Project through right-click context menu options
Enterprise VariablesYou can add a new Enterprise Variable or an existing one to use as part of this Project from here.
Workflow filesYou can view the workflow (XAML) files used as part of this Project. You can double-click to open the corresponding workflow in the Designer panel
FoldersYou can add a new folder or import an existing folder to Project. You can structurally arrange solution items.
Resource filesYou can view the resources used in this Project. You can double-click to open the corresponding file.

Project Explorer Settings

In the Project Explorer Panel, you can view the Project folder and options to modify the project settings. There are icons present to perform various operations on Project settings. To know about the operation performed by each button, hover over it to view the tooltip. Here are the details of each button present in the Component settings.

Expand AllClick this button to expand the Project Folder.
Collapse AllClick this button to collapse Project Folder.
PropertiesClick this button to open and edit the project properties.
Open Project FolderClick this button to open the Project folder in Explorer.
Show All FilesClick this button to view all the files in the Project folder, irrespective of whether it is included or not in the project
Add FolderClick this button to add a new folder inside the Project folder.
DeleteClick this button to remove the selected folder or file from the Project folder.

Search for a file inside the Project folder

You can search for files inside the Project folder using the search box.

Search In Project Explorer Panel

Context Menu options for Project Folder

Project Explorer Panel Context Menu

Context Menu OptionsDescription
Open Project FolderClick this button to open the Project folder in Explorer.
AddClicking on this to see options to add Sequence, Flowchart, Statemachine, or Folder to the Project folder
ImportClicking on this to see options to import Workflows, Files or, Folder to the Project folder
PropertiesClick this button to open and edit the project properties.

Context Menu options for Project files

Project Explorer Panel Context Menu

Context Menu OptionsTypeDescription
Add ReferenceReferencesClick this option to add a reference file to the Project.
Add ExistingEnterprise VariablesClick this option to add existing Enterprise Variables from the Control Room.
Add NewEnterprise VariablesClick this option to add a New Enterprise Variable from the Control Room.
EditFor the variables inside Enterprise VariablesClick this option to edit the Enterprise Variable.
RemoveFor the variables inside Enterprise VariablesClick this option to remove the Enterprise Variable.
Open*.xaml or other filesClick this option to open the selected file.
Set As Main Workflowxaml files other than Main.xamlClick this option to set the selected xaml as Main.xaml.
RenameXaml or other Files, FoldersClick this option to rename existing xaml or other files or folders.
DeleteFiles, Folders excluding Main.xamlClick this option to delete the selected file or folder.
Include In ProjectXaml or other Files, Folders excluding Main.xamlClick this option to include the selected xaml or other files or folders to Project.
Exclude From ProjectXaml or other Files, Folders excluding Main.xamlClick this option to exclude the selected xaml or other files or folders from Project.
Open Project FolderFoldersClick this option to open the Project folder in Explorer.