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Microsoft Word, a widely used word processing software in enterprises, can now be easily manipulated using the IntelliBuddies Word automation activity package. This package offers a range of activities that allow you to work with Word documents (.doc or .docx) without needing a Microsoft Word Application. You can access these activities under the Word category within Word Context, which specifies the Word document template used to fill and create a document. The beauty of these activities is that they work on the document's background, enhancing your efficiency and productivity.


Word ContextOpens the specified word document and creates context
Add PictureInserts the specified picture inside the word document at the specified position.
Append TextAppends the specified text inside the word document
Fill TableFills an existing table or inserts a new table at the specified position inside the word document
Fill TextIt locates the text within the designated Word document and provides its precise position and the corresponding page index.
Get HyperlinksIt gets a list of hyperlinks in a Word document.
Get Page IndexesIt returns the page indexes for the specified page number.
Get TableIt extracts the table identified by the specified bookmark name within a Word document.
Insert HyperlinkIt inserts a hyperlink into the specified Word document at a fixed position relative to a bookmark or text.
Read Bookmarked TextReads the text in the range of the bookmark selected
Read Text From Word FileReads the complete document specified and returns the text
Read TextReads the complete document selected in the word context and returns the text
Replace BookmarksReplaces the existing bookmark(s) inside the word document with the specified text values.
Replace PictureReplaces an existing picture inside the Word document with the specified new picture or image. The picture is located inside the Word document template using its Alt Text property.
Replace TextFind and replace text inside the word document
Save AsSaves the word document into a specified location after converting it to the selected format.
SaveSaves the word document